IGSN: 10.58052/DSR00067G collection methodgeo location

 Sample Name:VM0036002D
 Other Name(s):
 Sample Type:Dredge
 Parent IGSN:Not Provided
Material: Not Provided
Classification:Not Provided
Field Name: Not Provided
Description:50-70 lbs. of predominantly volcanic material with thin manganese encrustation and some solid lumps of manganese. Volcanic rocks are two types: 1) Rounded cobbles, finely vesicular with white (calcite?) material filling holes, groundmass has some micro-crystalline, black (augite-hornblende?) and off white (plagioclase?). 2) Flat plates that look like the tops of evacuated pillows (trap doors). Flat on top, lumpy and vesicular on bottom. Bottom has numerous barnacles and tube worm constructions that indicate a protected cavity. Rock is hard (conchoidal fracture), has brownish white groundmass with black specks. Some palagonite (?) as outer rind. Bottom surface coated with white material. (calcite?) that fills some vesicles.
Age (min):Not Provided
Age (max):Not Provided
Collection Method:Dredging
Collection Method Description:Not Provided
Size:Not Provided
Geological Age:Not Provided
Geological Unit:Not Provided
Comment:Not Provided
Purpose:Not Provided
Latitude Start (WGS84):-40.7833
Latitude End:Not Provided
Longitude Start (WGS84):-165.35
Longitude End:Not Provided
Northing (m) (UTM NAD83):Not Provided
Easting (m) (UTM NAD83):Not Provided
Zone:Not Provided
Vertical Datum:Not Provided
Elevation Start:-1883 meters
Elevation End:Not Provided
Nav Type:Not Provided
Physiographic Feature:S.W. Pacific, Louisville Seamount Chain.
Name Of Physiographic Feature:Not Provided
Location Description:Not Provided
Locality:Not Provided
Locality Description:Not Provided
Country:Not Provided
State/Province:Not Provided
County:Not Provided
City: Not Provided
Field Program/Cruise:VM0036
Platform Type:Ship
Platform Name:Vema
Platform Description:Not Provided
Launch Type:Not Provided
Launch Platform Name:Not Provided
Launch ID:Not Provided
Collector/Chief Scientist:Not Provided
Collector/Chief Scientist Detail:Not Provided
Collection Start Date:1979-07-27
Collection End Date:Not Provided
Current Archive:Lamont-Doherty Core Repository at Columbia University (LDCR)
Current Archive Contact Details:Nichole Anest, peridote@ldeo.columbia.edu
Original Archive:Not Provided
Original Archive Contact Details:Not Provided
Related Samples
Parents:No Parents
Siblings:No Siblings
Children:No Children

Contact Sample Owner
Geospatial Location geo location Collection Method collection method Geological Age geo age Image attached photoicon Classification classification