IGSN: 10.58052/DSR00063J collection methodgeo location

 Sample Name:VM0030012D
 Other Name(s):
 Sample Type:Dredge
 Parent IGSN:Not Provided
Material: Not Provided
Classification:Not Provided
Field Name: Not Provided
Description:63 rock samples cut for geochemical analysis and thin sections. These are marked with dredge and sample #. Sizes range from 44x20x7 cm to pebble size. The majority of the samples were metagabbros with the remaining consisting of metabalts, metabasite, pyroxonite, gabbro, basalt and pl-basalt. One large piece of carbonate was also in dredge and apparently turn off the bottom since it contained fresh burrows and had living organisms still intact. Also seven pieces of a branch coral-like structure were recovered. -Two 1/2" diameter cores taken from six of the above rocks. Those sampled were P 3, P 4, P 6, P 8, P18, P22. Samples being used for sound studies.
Age (min):Not Provided
Age (max):Not Provided
Collection Method:Dredging
Collection Method Description:Not Provided
Size:Not Provided
Geological Age:Not Provided
Geological Unit:Not Provided
Comment:Not Provided
Purpose:Not Provided
Latitude Start (WGS84):35.0666
Latitude End:Not Provided
Longitude Start (WGS84):-35.4833
Longitude End:Not Provided
Northing (m) (UTM NAD83):Not Provided
Easting (m) (UTM NAD83):Not Provided
Zone:Not Provided
Vertical Datum:Not Provided
Elevation Start:-2718 meters
Elevation End:Not Provided
Nav Type:Not Provided
Physiographic Feature:Not Provided
Name Of Physiographic Feature:Oceanographer Fracture Zone.
Location Description:Not Provided
Locality:Not Provided
Locality Description:Not Provided
Country:Not Provided
State/Province:Not Provided
County:Not Provided
City: Not Provided
Field Program/Cruise:VM0030
Platform Type:Ship
Platform Name:Vema
Platform Description:Not Provided
Launch Type:Not Provided
Launch Platform Name:Not Provided
Launch ID:Not Provided
Collector/Chief Scientist:Not Provided
Collector/Chief Scientist Detail:Not Provided
Collection Start Date:1973-05-03
Collection End Date:Not Provided
Current Archive:Lamont-Doherty Core Repository at Columbia University (LDCR)
Current Archive Contact Details:Nichole Anest, peridote@ldeo.columbia.edu
Original Archive:Not Provided
Original Archive Contact Details:Not Provided
Related Samples
Parents:No Parents
Siblings:No Siblings
Children:No Children

Contact Sample Owner
Geospatial Location geo location Collection Method collection method Geological Age geo age Image attached photoicon Classification classification